
Every month, community members from all over Washakie County gather together to learn about and find solutions to our youth substance abuse problems. Our community-focused approach brings together parents, youth, educators, law enforcement, health and mental health professionals, youth serving organizations, and many others to identify ways we can work together to impact these issues. All are welcome to join these efforts! To get involved, contact us here or just show up to our next meeting! Here is a list of the meeting dates/times for the 2023-2024 School year. 

In addition, smaller work groups meet when needed to address specific issues or strategies:

Parent Engagement Workgroup: focuses on strategies to engage and support parents in preventing adn reducing youth substance abuse.
Contact: Sheri Gunderson –

Activity Pass Workgroup: focuses on developing and implementing the Activity Pass program, which provides woucher-type financial assistance for youth to get involved in healthy activities.
Contact: Sheri Gunderson –

Faith Community Engagement Workgroup: Focuses on strategies to engage and support the faith community in preventing and reducing substance Abuse.
Contact: Sarah Garcia –

Drug Free Community Walk/Run Workgroup: focuses on planning and implementing the community walk/run held in the Spring to help raise awareness and funds for the coalition.
Contact: Lila Jolley –

Data Workgroup: focuses on collecting and using data the the coalition can use to help choose the right strategies for our county’s youth.
Contact: Sheri Gunderson –

PCF Workgroup: for attendees of June’s Positive Culture Framework training who are interested in helping ensure effective implementation of that process.
Contact: Sheri Gunderson –

To get involved in these or other specific issues or strategies relating to youth substance abuse in Washakie County, contact us here.

Want more information about the coalition? Download our Informational Handbook here.